Tuesday, June 15, 2004

2004-06-17 Imperial Guard Heavy Sentinel

When I picked up my ordered parts I noticed that several of the SM Dread parts were not complete. The local vendor was gracious enough to get the parts replaced but what to do with the semi-globs.

Since the heavy sentinels are not going to use the sentinel flame throwers I trimmed the lasconnaon barrels off the body of the gun, cut two flame thrower barrels off and replaced them. I also cut out an IG eagle from something can’t remember were, for the side. On the back is the body of one of the flame thrower I cut off. This looks good on the Heavy Sentinel as well as my Dread.

Back to the Heavy Sentinels. My last assembly I think boredom or not wanting to look like I did an assembly line production I decided to change it up. I took one of the sponson bolters from the tank kit cut off the turret part. I then cut off all the missile tips and glued the gun over the top. This took some eyeballing to get a good angle. All in all I am not so happy with the conversion but oh well to late to un-super glue it.

I started looking at more of the underling details and noted that a lot of my putting was very visible so I cut a tube from the flamers to fill in the open space.

Sorry about the quality of the picture, on the left side of the picture between the sentinel body and the lascannons shield you can see where I covered up the epoxy.

As you can see the three of them are coming together. I have completed all three up to the same point and will use one in the future as a model for the others.



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